Wednesday, February 24, 2010

What I Have Learned - Take Twenty-Four

I have learned that we all overlook things sometimes.

We, myself included, tend to live our lives wrapped up in the things that affect us directly. We worry about our children, spouses, family, jobs, friends, finances, and the countless other things we deal with on a daily basis. We live in this little bubble of self absorption. We look at the world in terms of how it relates to us personally. Frankly, I do the same thing. I have enough on my plate that I don't necessarily have the time or energy to dwell on the lives of others.

But what I have come to realize is that as much as we don't necessarily need to dwell on the issues others may be facing, perhaps we can keep in mind that there IS something they might be facing. The check out girl at the grocery store who was kind of rude to you - perhaps her husband just left her. The waitress who seems to forget you exist as one of her customers - perhaps her child or parent is sick and her mind is with them. The driver who seems to not be paying attention - perhaps his daycare center called and his child needs stitches.

Then there are things a little closer to home that you may not realize. The girl in your office who seems withdrawn lately and not so friendly - perhaps she is waiting for biopsy results for suspected cancer. The acquaintance you talk to here and there who isn't herself - perhaps she is struggling with depression. Your best friend seems quiet - perhaps she and her husband are thinking of separation or filing for bankruptcy. You boss just seems to be a jerk - perhaps he or a loved one is suffering from drug or alcohol addiction.

We all have our own problems. I can assure you, no ones life is perfect. Some people may seem to have it together and that life is good - but for all your know, or for all I know - they could be private people like me and keep things inside. Read through the posts on facebook or twitter- most are happy, nothingness posts. I know my posts are not a reflection of the life I am living. Are yours?

If you see someone having a bad day, tell them you care. If you think someone might be having a bad day, tell them you care. For no reason at all, tell someone you care. But don't just stop at the people you know, remember others out there may be having a really tough time too, and maybe they could use a smile or hug as well.

Smile a little more, hug a little more, care a little more, love a little more - but most importantly - understand a little more.


  1. Amen sister! There is a girl in my life who has been acting really really weird lately....turns out she was living with her bf in their new house and things are bad. She moved out, but realized she must be living in the house for 3 years in order for her $8000 tax credit to be valid. So she's at this crossroad in her life right now - move back with a bad guy or take a huge step backwards in her quest towards 'adulthood'. Ugh tough choices face everyone and you're right everyone just needs to understand (b/c when it's you who's having a hard time you'd want someone to understand too)

  2. Exactly!! And thanks, Rachel for being such a faithful reader. : )
