Tuesday, February 16, 2010

What I Have Learned - Take Twenty-Two

I have learned that sometimes you need to get up and take someone's hand through the sprinkler.

One day last summer, I turned on my sprinklers to give my lawn a much needed drink of water. My kids always have this keen sense of when water is turned on, and come running outside to play. I decided to sit outside, book in hand, and relax while they enjoyed the sunshine and sprinklers.

My youngest two daughters were running and jumping, screaming with delight, as they ran across and through the spraying water. They were giggling and laughing, having the best time. They asked me if I wanted to join them, but I was comfortable (and dry) in the shade reading my book. Then my youngest decided to come outside with us.

He was a little more timid, walking around the sprinkler, just out of the water's reach. The girls tried to get him to run through, but he just wasn't quite ready for that. I can't say I was really 'watching' them, as much as listening, as I was more taken with my book at that moment.

Then suddenly, this loving little boy tugged on my shirt, looked up at me with his bright blue eyes, and said in the sweetest voice, "Mommy, I am scared. Come with me through the sprinkler, please". That moment stood still in my heart. I was there, but not really 'there' with those kids outside. I noticed the happiness, the joy, the fun times. But I had failed to notice my little boy scared and alone. I failed to reach out to him when he needed me. I was just too busy to really see the situation happening before me.

I put down my book, took his little hand, and (fully dressed) ran with him through the sprinklers. I gave him my hand when he needed it most. I helped him find the courage in himself to face his fears. I was finally 'there' that afternoon.

Sometimes we only focus on the happy moments. Sometimes we don't see the people with their hands stretched out to us, needing help running through their sprinklers in life. Too many times we aren't really 'there' when we could be, should be, or need to be. When you see that someone standing before the sprinkler, too afraid to go through the water - take their hand, and show them they are not alone. <3

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